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Cosmic Fraternal Order of Sacred Rebel Rose

The Cosmic Fraternal Order of Sacred Rebel Rose is a mystical society that deeply explores the enigmatic realms of cosmic spirituality and rebellion against societal norms. Within the folds of this cosmic order, members are initiated into the profound secrets of the universe, exploring esoteric wisdom that transcends the boundaries of conventional knowledge.


With the symbol of the Rebel Rose as our emblem, this order represents the dual nature of existence, symbolizing both the beauty and the defiance found in the cosmos. Members of this order are bound by a shared commitment to seeking the truth, challenging the status quo, and embracing the cosmic energies that flow through the universe.

The Cosmic Fraternal Order of Sacred Rebel Rose is not for the faint of heart, as it calls upon its members to question, rebel, and embark on a journey of self-discovery that is as profound as the cosmos itself. Those who seek to uncover the universe's hidden truths, challenge the boundaries of their own existence, and embrace the duality of beauty and defiance are invited to join this ancient, infinite, and timeless order.


About Us

Cosmic Fraternal Order of
Sacred Rebel Rose


The purpose of the Cosmic Fraternal Order of the Sacred Rose is to explore and cultivate the mysteries of the cosmos, fostering spiritual growth, enlightenment, and unity among its members.


We, the members of the Cosmic Fraternal Order of the Sacred Rose, hold sacred the pursuit of cosmic wisdom, inner transformation, and the individuality of all beings. We honor the divine in all its manifestations and seek to embody truth, harmony, and balance in our lives.


Our mission is to delve into the depths of esoteric knowledge, ancient wisdom, and metaphysical practices, guided by the principles of truth, compassion, and integrity. Through rituals, study, and communal support, we strive to awaken the divine spark within ourselves and others, fostering a deep connection with the cosmos and contributing to the evolution of consciousness on our planet.


How to Become a C.O.S.R.R Member

C.O.S.R.R. accepts new members Summer and Winter. Our rebirth cycle begins each year in July and December. We accept inquires of interest throughout the year. 






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