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Cosmic Keeper of the Keys

AstrOverview for MAY 2023

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

From an astrological perspective, what can we anticipate for the month of May?...

Cosmic Risings, Rebels!

As May arrives, we are infused with a renewed surge of energy that propels us forward with strength and focus. The Sun shines brightly in Taurus, urging us to stand our ground and assert ourselves authentically in the world.

On May 1st, Pluto goes retrograde, prompting us to re-evaluate the people, places, and things in our lives that need to stay or go, just in time for the powerful Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th. It's a time for transformation, releasing the old and creating something new for the next five months. Let's embrace these changes; it's time for collective soul-level transcendence. Welcome to the rebirth of conscious living!

Mercury is currently in retrograde, but will turn direct on May 14th. Thank Goddess! However, it's important to remember that the effects of Mercury Retrograde may still linger for up to seven days after it goes direct, during the post-retrograde shadow period.

From May 16, 2023, to May 25, 2024, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, luck, and charity, will enter Taurus. This astrological event will provide opportunities for spiritual growth, which will coincide with the New Moon in Taurus on May 19th. Take this opportunity to communicate your deepest desires to the Universe. On May 20th, Mars will be in Leo, providing fuel for our creative endeavors as we enter Gemini Season on May 21st. Have the courage to speak what is on your mind in such a way that even the harshest truths will be like healing medicine to the soul.


MAY's Sacred Rebel TIP: Mother's Day is May 14th. Affirmations, mantras, and mudras relating to or associated with the Heart Chakra may be beneficial during this month for those dealing with loss or heavy mother wounds. Listen to 639 Hz Frequency for Heart Chakra healing. Follow Sisterhood of Sacred Rebel Rose and subscribe for monthly astroverviews and other really cool spiritual stuff @sacred.rebel.rose (


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