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Empress Eclipse Rose

Embracing Earthy Energies: 12 Tips for Thriving During Capricorn Season like a GOAT

Alright, folks, buckle up 'cause Capricorn Season is in full swing, and it's bringing that serious, get-down-to-business energy we all need sometimes.

Picture this: a time when the stars align to give us a cosmic nudge toward our goals, a kick in the rear to put our plans into action. That's what we're diving into during this Capricorn Season under the influence of the cosmic taskmaster and timekeeper, Saturn.

Let's Talk Capricorn Vibes

Capricorn, the OG of ambition, is at the wheel during this season. We're talking about a sign ruled by Saturn, giving us that tough-love, "get it done" attitude. Think resilience, determination, and a whole lot of "I'm not giving up 'til I reach the top" mentality. It's like having your personal cheerleader pushing you to chase those dreams.

Embrace the Hustle with Structure

Now, Capricorn Season isn't about daydreaming; it's about rolling up your sleeves and building your castle brick by brick. This is your cue to get organized, set realistic goals, and figure out a plan that doesn't just sound good but makes practical sense too. It's all about manifesting smarter, not just harder.

Climbing Your Personal Mountain

Imagine yourself as that Capricorn goat, climbing your own life mountain. This season is your invitation to scale your ambitions. Embrace the challenges, learn from the hurdles, and keep pushing forward. Remember, the view from the top will be so worth it.

Grow Personally and Professionally

Capricorn Season isn't just about job promotions and big career moves. It's also about leveling up in life. Take this time to invest in yourself—learn a new skill, pick up a hobby, or simply work on being a better version of you. It's personal growth season too!

The Capricorn Way of Life

Here's the lowdown on Capricorn, they are big on structure. So, maybe it's time to weave some routine into your life. Embrace the idea of discipline, but hey, don't forget to cut yourself some slack too. Balance is key, my friends.


The Magic of Capricorn Season: 12 Tips to Embrace the Energies

1. Set Intentions Like a Boss:

Embrace the energy of Capricorn's ambitious side to set clear and achievable goals for the season.

2. Plan with Precision:

Structure your path to success like a Capricorn—meticulously and methodically. When manifesting to the Universe no detail is too small. In your manifestation journal, write "What would I do with a million dollars if I received a check from the Universe today? Be specific.

3. Climb Your Personal Everest:

Embrace challenges fearlessly; they're stepping stones to greatness.

4. Craft a Career Strategy:

Focus on professional and spiritual growth; the 10th House energy supports your climb up the career ladder.

5. Build Solid Foundations:

Just like Capricorns value stability, reinforce your personal and professional base.

6. Embrace Persistence:

Learn from Capricorn's endurance; don't let setbacks derail your journey. Keep moving forward.

7. Embody Practicality:

Apply a pragmatic approach to decisions and actions during this season. Embrace your own practical magick.

8. Wear Your Power Colors:

Rock dark green, gray, brown, or black to channel Capricorn's grounding energy.

9. Surround Yourself with Crystals:

Keep garnet, onyx, or hematite close for grounding and strength.

10. Connect with Lead:

Embrace this metal's resilience and durability to overcome obstacles through journaling with a pencil and paper.

11. Express Your Inner Leader:

Step into your leadership role confidently and authentically.

12. Seek Balance:

Remember, while Capricorn's drive is admirable, find harmony between work and play.


Our Magickal Guide to Capricorn

Capricorn Facts:

Ambitious Trailblazers

Capricorns are born leaders with a mission as a Cardinal sign that begins the coldest season. Their ambition is unmatched, always reaching for the next level. They're disciplined and responsible, carving their own paths to success.

Planetary Ruler: Saturn

Although Capricorn is receptive and Aquarius is reactive; both signs are ruled by Saturn. Name after the Roman God of time, Saturn is associated with self-discipline, structure, security, responsibility, mastery, duty, karma, and chaos. Saturn's day of the week is Saturdays. Some consider Saturn to be a malefic planet due to the fact that Saturn will cause you to stand on business. As one of the outer planets, Saturn completes its orbit around the Sun every 29 1/2 years and spending about 2.46 years in each sign of the zodiac.

Core (+) Traits:

1. Ambitious: Driven by their goals.

2. Disciplined: Masters of self-control.

3. Reliable: Always there when needed.

4. Patient: Understanding the long game.

5. Practical: Finding solutions that work.

6. Resourceful: Making the most of what's available.

Core (-) Traits:

1. Stubborn: Unyielding in their ways.

2. Pessimistic: Sometimes see the glass as half empty.

3. Rigid: Resistant to change.

4. Unforgiving: Holding onto grudges.

5. Authoritarian: Preferring things their way.

6. Distrustful: Cautious in trusting others.

Symbol: The Goat (Sea-Goat)

- Meaning: Capricorns' symbol, the Goat, represents climbing the mountain of success with patience, determination, and strategic planning. The Sea-Goat aspect embodies the ability to navigate both earthly and spiritual realms, showcasing Capricorn's ambition grounded in practicality.

Planetary Magick (Saturn/Saturday):

  • Protection

  • Defense against hexes and curses

  • Defense against psychic attacks

  • Concentration

  • Fundamental Changes

  • Time

  • Boundaries/Limitations

  • Locate lost item or missing person

  • Knowledge

  • Overcoming bad habits

  • Authority

  • Death


Don't Forget...

Grab your FREE 30-day Capricorn Season Journal in our House of Books.


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