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Cosmic Keeper of the Keys

Help! I think my dog has a UTI!"Herbal Remedies for Your Dogs' UTI

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

Have you ever seen your dog eating grass, well that's their herbal remedy for an upset stomach. But what do we do when they have a UTI? And how do we know when they are suffering from a urinary tract infection or inflammation? Let's start with the signs:

  1. How does your dog's urine look? If it's cloudy or has blood in its urine, more than likely it's an infection.

  2. How often is your dog asking to go outside? If the frequency and urgency have increased, that is a sign.

  3. Are they straining or whimpering when they go?

  4. Accidents in the house that are unusual for your pet...

  5. Fever

  6. Licking around the urinary opening

We always want to take our dogs to the veterinarian to rule out any other problems and get a sure diagnosis. But if your pet is prone to UTIs you would rather take a different route than the harsh antibiotics that can wipe out your dog's immune system. Natural herbal remedies and treatments are always the way to go.

Let's start with a very warm bath to relieve the dog's muscles. As you are bathing them, concentrate on the genital areas. Bath every few days while your dog has the UTI, and then once a week for a few weeks after the UTI clears up.

Now, cranberries and blueberries work for humans in treating and preventing UTIs, and it works for our fur babies as well. A few a day with plenty of water will help to treat and prevent UTIs. Twice a day for about a week will help to clear up that pesky UTI in no time. Parsley leaves are another alternative. It is a natural diuretic and will help to flush out toxins that cause pain and inflammation.

So, keep in mind, we learned about natural remedies from mother nature and her animals first, so why wouldn't work naturally for our canines? Love your fur babies, and remember to keep them healthy, the natural way.

Much Love,

~The Green Witch~


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