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Cosmic Keeper of the Keys

TAROT STUDY: The Power of the Empress

Updated: Feb 7

Who is the Empress?

The Empress is one of the most powerful feminine aspects of Tarot. She is voluptuous and lush in nature. She is the epidemy of the Great Mother archetype. She is fruitful, bountiful, and nurturing. The Empress has a healing energy that causes spiritual awakenings and enlightenment.

The Empress embodies fertility; she is fertile precisely because she is able to take time to be present, appreciate, and enjoy her body (represented by the nature around her). She ensures her personal kingdom is well-cared for.

The Empress embodies the essence of the four Queens of Tarot; Queen of Wands (Fire), Queen of Cups (Water), Queen of Swords (Air), and Queen of Pentacles (Earth). She has the ability and power to flow from one element into the next as needed.

In terms of political power, an empress is more powerful than a queen. While a queen has rule over a kingdom or territory, an empress has authority over multiple nations, kingdoms, or regions. For a female monarch, the station of the empress is the highest political office that can be attained. Whether as the emperor's mother, wife, or consort, an empress was honored as the “mother of the state” and served as a role model for women throughout the empire.

In numerology, the Empress symbolizes the number three (III), which is the number of creativity, the trinity, sacred divinity, and community. It is the third trump or Major Arcana card in traditional tarot decks.

Keywords & Attributes of the Empress:
  • Artistic

  • Intuitive

  • Divine Love

  • Divine Pleasure

  • Romance

  • Abundant

  • Self-Expression

  • Nature

  • Beauty

  • Femininity

  • Mothering

  • Mother Earth

  • Divine Mother

  • Fertility

  • Pregnancy

  • Expansion

  • Growth

  • Nurturing

  • Creativity

  • Creative Problem Solver

  • Businesswoman

  • Multi-tasker

  • Social Status

  • Innovative

  • Kept-Woman

  • Fortune

  • Luck

  • Community

  • Receptive

  • Duality from High Priestess of Yin and Yang Energy

  • More Yang/Passive energy than Yin/Active

  • Creator/Destroyer



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