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Reverence and Blessings to the Nṯrt (Goddess) Sekhmet-Bastet

Updated: Jul 19, 2023

Our List of Prayers for Sekhmet-Bastet

SEKHMET-BASTET Prayer of Reverence

Oh, powerful and divine Nrtr Sekhmet-Bastet,

we offer you our deepest reverence and gratitude.

You are the protector, the healer, the mother, and the warrior.

Your fierce strength and unwavering love inspire us to be better beings.

We pray for your blessings of courage, wisdom, and compassion.

May your light shine upon us and guide us through the challenges of life.

We honor you, we love you, we thank you.

As we Speak it, So mote it be.

SEKHMET-BASTET Prayer of Protection

SEKHMET-BASTET Prayer of Healing

SEKHMET-BASTET Prayer for Immediate Justice


These are prayers of reverence and blessings to Nrtr (Goddess) Sekhmet-Bastet. These prayers are a sacred text that honors this deity and seeks their guidance and protection. The prayer is likely used in religious or spiritual contexts, and may be recited by individuals or groups who choose to show reverence for this goddess. Its purpose is to express devotion and gratitude, and to ask for blessings and assistance in various aspects of life.

Working with the energy of the goddess Sekhmet-Bastet has a long and rich history in ancient Kemetic/Egyptian culture. She is often depicted as a powerful and fierce protector, yet also as a nurturing and compassionate mother figure. Her influence spans many domains, from healing and fertility to war and justice.


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