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Cosmic Keeper of the Keys

The Significance of this Numerical "7" Universal Year of 2023

Updated: Jul 14, 2023

"The only time we look back is to see how far we have come..."

Depending on which calendar you currently follow, January 1st marks the beginning of a brand new year for most of the world; and with it we enter a new vibration of cosmic energy.

Each calendar year holds a numerical vibration that corresponds to the frequency of the Universe. Numerologists calculate this number by adding all of the digits of the year together. Any number that adds up to 10 or more is added again until a number between 1-9 is shown (unless the sum is a master number of 11, 22, or 33. These numbers are not reduced to smaller.)

For example: 2022 = 2+0+2+2 = Universal Year 6.

Last year (2022) was a catalyst year that carried a tremendous amount of weighted energy from previous years of this 7 to 9-year cycle depending on the vibration of your personal numbers (cycle start: 2016 for this 7-year cycle and 2014 for the 9-year cycle). More on that in later posts. The numerical vibration of last year was one of healing, protection, creation, and home. As a numerical 6 year, 2022 also held the energy of Angel number 222 and master number 22 which both added an extra punch to the year. Master number 22 has the vibration of the Master Builder to assist us with rebuilding what was previously lost and the energy of 222 asked us to trust the process of the journey.

Entering the 7-Year Gate of 2023.

Now, as we enter 2023 we usher in the powerful and introspection energy of the numerical 7 (2+0+2+3 = 7). Seven is a magical number that has importance and holds significance among all cultures, religions, and spiritual practices. The number 7 is mentioned over 300 times in the bible. There are 7 major chakras, 7 days within a week, 7 deadly sins, 7 virtues, and so on.

As we enter this new Universal Year of 7, we are asked to dive DEEPER. Seven is a number of deep introspection where we find the wisdom and meaning of the cycle. A universal 7 year ponders the question "What have we learned?" on a deeper level.

Spirituality will be a focus in this universal year 7. Old wounds may surface so that they may heal thoroughly and adequately. This energy favors the healing of trauma on a collective level and cultivating a deeper spiritual practice through research and questioning. It is the energy of uncovering our own patterns and triggers in order to see them from a more emotionally intelligent viewpoint. Everything is not always as it seems. It's time to dive deeper into this cycle.

For some, this Universal 7-year marks an important completion of rough times and may still hold challenges. However, with the energy of the 7, as well as a focus on our spiritual practice; our challenges probably will not feel like a challenge. We've been through the internal battles and conflicts of the Universal 5 year of 2021. In 2022, we started to heal with the healing energy that a universal year 6 brings. Now we are faced with the task of exploring ourselves on deeper levels to discover the root of situations, circumstances, and traumas. During this year we will cultivate our gifts in order to find a healthy balance between our intuition and logic by blending the spiritual world with the material world to create true harmony.

So get ready, Sacred Rebels! This year is sure to throw a few surprises our way when it comes to healing major generational wounds. It's not all introspection though. Seven is also associated with LUCK (such as "Lucky #7"), the zodiac sign of LIBRA (which is the 7th sign of the Zodiac in Astrology), and the CHARIOT card in Tarot. We will discuss these and other symbols on a deeper level as we continue this sacred rose journey.

Stay Tuned.

Keywords for 2023:

  • Spiritual

  • Faith

  • Mysteries

  • Introspection

  • Wisdom

  • Analytical

  • Solitary

  • Deep-thinking

  • Opinionated

  • Philosophical

  • Inquisitive

  • Revolutionary

  • Intuitive

  • Steadfast

We want to hear from you!

How to Find Your Personal Year Number?

If you would like to explore your numerological or astrological info via Rose Empress insight, contact us or leave a comment below if you found this post helpful. Your personal year is on the 9-year cycle and each year starts and ends on your birth date. It is the sum of your birth date, your birth month, and the calendar year of which you want the reading. To calculate your personal year number:

  1. Add the birth date, birth month, and the year in question.

  2. Reduce the sum to a single digit (1 to 9) or until you reach a master number (11, 22, 33).

  3. Example: Let's say we want to know our personal number for 2015 and our birth date is 25 Dec 1982. We would add: 2+5+1+2+2+0+1+5 = 18. Then reduce until you get a single digit or a master number: 1+8 = 9. Therefore, 9 would be our personal year number.


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