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Empress Eclipse Rose

What is "Retrograde Season" in Astrology and How to Navigate Through Them?

Updated: Aug 27, 2023

Cosmic Divine Risings, Sacred Rebels...

The current season in astrology is known as retrograde season, and it holds great importance for those interested in the subject. Retrograde season refers to a time when the planets seem to move backward in their orbits due to differences in their speeds and Earth's rotation. Each planet's retrograde has a unique impact on our lives and can be a chance for spiritual growth and reflection.

Mercury retrograde is one of the most popular retrogrades, as it governs communication, travel, and technology. When it goes retrograde, these areas can become chaotic. However, this retrograde can also be an opportunity to reflect on how we communicate and connect with others, and to take a break from the fast-paced daily life.

Venus retrograde focuses on relationships and matters of the heart. This is a great time to examine past relationships and learn from them to encourage healthier connections in the future.

Mars retrograde deals with action and drive. This planet governs our physical energy and motivation, so a retrograde here could result in a feeling of lethargy or lack of direction. Nonetheless, it can also be a time to reassess our goals and priorities; and ensure that we are pursuing what aligns with our values.

Jupiter retrograde is a time for introspection and contemplation on our beliefs and philosophies. This planet rules growth and expansion, so its retrograde can offer an opportunity for inner growth and spiritual exploration.

Saturn retrograde is a time to confront our fears and limitations. This planet governs structure and responsibility, so its retrograde can bring up feelings of being stuck or restricted. Nevertheless, this is also a chance to examine our boundaries and responsibilities and ensure that they are serving us correctly.

Lastly, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto retrogrades deal with deeper, more transformative energies. These retrogrades can bring unexpected changes or revelations, and provide an opportunity to let go of old patterns and embrace new possibilities.

18 General Tips for Navigating Retrograde Seasons

Retrograde seasons occur when planets appear to move backward in their orbits from our perspective on Earth. During these times, it can feel like our lives are moving in reverse, too. Here are 18 tips for navigating through each of the planet's retrogrades:

  1. Be patient. Retrograde periods can be frustrating, but they also offer opportunities to slow down and reflect.

  2. Check your communication. Mercury retrograde can cause misunderstandings and delays, so double-check your emails, texts, and other messages.

  3. Back up your data. Mercury retrograde can also lead to computer crashes and lost files, so make sure you have everything saved and backed up.

  4. Revisit old projects. Mercury retrograde is a great time to revisit unfinished projects and tie up loose ends.

  5. Rethink your plans. During Mars retrograde, your plans may need to be revised. Be open to changes and new ideas.

  6. Take care of your body. During Venus retrograde, focus on self-care and pampering yourself.

  7. Reconnect with old friends. Venus retrograde is also a great time to reconnect with old friends and make amends.

  8. Be mindful of your finances. During Jupiter retrograde, be careful with your spending and avoid taking on unnecessary debt.

  9. Reflect on your beliefs. Jupiter retrograde is also a time to reflect on your beliefs and spirituality.

  10. Take it easy. During Saturn retrograde, it's important to take things slow and be patient with yourself.

  11. Review your goals. Saturn retrograde is a great time to review your goals and make sure you're on track.

  12. Be cautious. During Uranus retrograde, unexpected events can occur. Be cautious and stay alert.

  13. Embrace change. Uranus retrograde is also a time to embrace change and try new things.

  14. Be flexible. Neptune retrograde can bring confusion and uncertainty. Be flexible and adaptable.

  15. Cultivate creativity. Neptune retrograde is also a great time to tap into your creativity and intuition.

  16. Keep a journal. During Pluto retrograde, keep a journal to reflect on your emotions and inner transformation.

  17. Face your fears. Pluto retrograde can bring up deep-seated fears and insecurities. Use this time to confront them.

  18. Stay grounded. No matter which planet is retrograde, it's important to stay grounded and centered. Practice self-care, get plenty of rest, and stay connected to your support system.

Navigating retrogrades can be challenging, but there are ways to ease the process. It is crucial to take time for self-care and reflection. This time can be used to slow down, journal, meditate, or connect with nature. Additionally, be patient and flexible. Retrogrades often bring unexpected changes, so be open to new possibilities and don't be afraid to pivot your plans if necessary. The retrograde seasons offer an excellent opportunity for spiritual growth and reflection. Each planet's retrograde has a unique influence on our lives, and by navigating these energies with intention and self-care, we can emerge stronger and more aligned with our true selves. So embrace the retrogrades, and let the stars guide you on your journey of self-discovery.

Eclipse Rose

The Hermit High Priestess



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