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Winter Temple Observance: Schedule and Traditions

Updated: Jan 25

Winter Solstice is 3 days away on December 21st....

Winter Greetings to one and all from the Temple of Sacred Rebel Rose.

As the Winter Solstice heralds the longest night, may the warmth you experience during this season illuminate your heart with joy, love, and hope. Wishing you a season filled with moments of reflection, connections with loved ones, and the promise of brighter days ahead. Blessed Winter Solstice to you and yours!

Embracing Winter: Finding Bliss in the Chill

Winter is more than just cold temperatures and shorter days; it's a season brimming with its own unique vibe. The chilly air carries whispers of tranquility, urging us to slow down and savor moments often overlooked in the hustle of everyday life. Let's dive into what makes winter special and how to make the most of its calming energy with these down-to-earth tips.

The Charm of Winter

1. Quiet Serenity: Picture this—blankets of snow covering everything, muffling noises, inviting a calm that's hard to find elsewhere.

2. A Time for Reflection: Short days and long nights create an ideal atmosphere for introspection, providing a chance to recharge and ponder life's intricacies.

3. Cozy Comfort: There's something magical about bundling up in layers, sipping hot drinks, and nestling into warm blankets—a winter vibe that's hard to beat.

4. Celebration and Connection: Winter brings us together, whether it's gathering around a crackling fire or celebrating festive holidays with loved ones.

Practical Tips to Embrace Winter's Aura
1. Nature Therapy: Don't let the cold scare you off. Embrace winter's beauty by taking walks in snowy parks or trying your hand at snow sculpting if you are in an area with snow—it's surprisingly therapeutic.
2. Cozy Corners: Create cozy nooks at home with soft blankets, dim lighting, and your favorite warm beverage. It's a sanctuary for relaxation.
3. Hygge it Up: Hygge, the Danish art of coziness, is your best friend during winter. Light candles, savor comfort foods, and relish simple pleasures.
4. Self-Care Rituals: Take advantage of longer nights for self-care—think hot baths, reading, or just unwinding with a cup of tea.
5. Winter Feasts: Dive into hearty winter meals—soups, stews, and roasts nourish not only your body but also your soul.
6. Gratitude Practice: Winter is the perfect time for reflection and gratitude. Count your blessings—it's an instant mood booster.
7. Indoor Adventures: Discover new indoor hobbies like painting, baking, or crafting. It's a creative escape from the winter chill.
8. Stay Connected: Despite the cold, stay connected with friends and family through cozy gatherings or virtual hangouts.
9. Mindful Moments: Embrace mindfulness by immersing yourself in winter's sights, sounds, and sensations. It's a gateway to finding peace in the present moment.

Winter isn't just a season—it's an invitation to slow down, reconnect, and find joy in simplicity. So grab that blanket, brew a cup of your favorite warmth, and let winter's charm work its magic.


Magickal Properties and Correspondences of Winter

Winter, with its ethereal charm and serene landscapes, also carries a unique essence that resonates with those attuned to its magickal properties. From the crystalline snow to the hushed tranquility, this season is steeped in its own mystical correspondences. Let's explore the magickal attributes of winter along with three enchanting rituals that harness its energies.

1. Crystals: Winter is associated with crystals such as clear quartz, amethyst, and snowflake obsidian. They embody clarity, intuition, and inner reflection, aiding in spiritual growth during the season of introspection.
2. Herbs: Evergreens like pine, cedar, and juniper symbolize longevity and protection, while warming spices such as cinnamon and clove invoke comfort and healing during the cold months.
3. Elements: Water and Earth elements dominate winter magick. Water represents introspection and purification, while Earth signifies stability and grounding amidst the season's changes.
4. Animals: Creatures like the snow owl, deer, and wolf hold significance, symbolizing wisdom, grace, and resilience during the frosty months.

Winter Rituals to Embrace the Magick

1. Winter Solstice Candle Magick

Materials: White or silver candles, pine or cedar incense, clear quartz crystal.


- Set up an altar with the candles, incense, and crystal.

- Light the candles and incense, symbolizing the return of light.

- Hold the quartz crystal, meditating on your intentions for the coming season.

- Visualize the warmth and light within, setting positive intentions for renewal and growth.

- Let the candles burn down or snuff them out, preserving their energy for future rituals.

2. Snowflake Obsidian Protection Ritual

Materials: Snowflake obsidian crystal, a small cauldron or fireproof bowl.


- Perform this ritual outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

- Hold the snowflake obsidian, focusing on your intent for protection and inner strength.

- Place the crystal in the cauldron and ignite it with a small flame (be cautious and use appropriate safety measures).

- As the crystal burns, visualize negative energies dissipating and transforming into positive ones.

- Allow the crystal to burn completely or until you feel the ritual is complete, then bury the ashes in the earth.

3. Winter Dream Journaling

Materials: Journal, pen, cozy blanket.


- Create a serene space with a cozy blanket and your journal.

- Light a candle or diffuse calming scents like lavender or cedarwood.

- Before sleep, set an intention to receive guidance or insights through your dreams.

- Upon waking, immediately jot down your dreams or any intuitive messages you received.

- Reflect on the dream's symbolism and how it aligns with your spiritual journey during winter.


Winter Journaling Prompts

Week 1: Winter Reflection

Day 1: Describe the first snowfall you witnessed this winter and how it made you feel.

Day 2: Share your favorite winter quote or poem and explain why it resonates with you.

Day 3: Reflect on the stillness and peace that winter brings to your surroundings.

Day 4: Write about a winter tradition you cherish and its significance in your life.

Day 5: List the winter goals and intentions you have for the coming months.

Week 2: Winter Wellness

Day 6: Share your go-to winter self-care routine, including rituals and practices.

Day 7: Explore the role of warm beverages in your winter well-being.

Day 8: Write about your favorite winter comfort food and the memories associated with it.

Day 9: Reflect on the importance of staying active and healthy during the colder season.

Day 10: Describe the connection between winter and gratitude for your body and health.

Week 3: Winter Creativity

Day 11: Share a piece of winter-inspired art or creativity that you've recently worked on.

Day 12: Write a winter-themed short story, poem, or song that expresses your feelings.

Day 13: Explore how the winter landscape influences your creative process.

Day 14: Discuss your creative goals and projects for the winter months.

Day 15: Reflect on the beauty of simplicity in your creative endeavors during winter.

Week 4: Winter Connection

Day 16: Write a letter to a loved one, sharing your winter experiences and feelings.

Day 17: Reflect on the significance of human connections during the winter season.

Day 18: Share a cherished winter memory with friends or family.

Day 19: Explore the concept of hygge and how you incorporate it into your social life.

Day 20: Discuss your plans for giving back and spreading warmth to others this winter.

Week 5: Winter Reflection and Goals

Day 21: Reflect on the personal growth and changes you've experienced this winter.

Day 22: Share your proudest achievement or moment from the past month.

Day 23: List three valuable lessons you've learned or insights gained this winter.

Day 24: Set your intentions and goals for the remaining winter season.

Day 25: Write a letter to your future self, reflecting on your winter journey and aspirations.

Week 6: Mid-Winter Thoughts

Day 26: Share your thoughts and emotions as winter slowly fades away.

Day 27: Reflect on how winter has impacted your inner world and perspectives.

Day 28: List the winter memories and experiences that will warm your heart in the future.

Day 29: Write a farewell letter to winter, expressing gratitude for its unique energy.

Day 30: Summarize your overall experience embracing the energy of winter and what you look forward to in the coming seasons.

Week 7: Winter Gratitude and Mindfulness

Day 31: Reflect on the beauty of winter sunrises or sunsets and how they make you feel.

Day 32: List five small moments of joy or beauty you've experienced in the winter season.

Day 33: Write about the lessons nature teaches you during the winter months.

Day 34: Discuss how practicing mindfulness helps you appreciate the present moment in winter.

Day 35: Reflect on the sounds of winter: the crunch of snow, the whisper of wind, etc.

Week 8: Winter Exploration and Adventure

Day 36: Share your dream winter travel destination and why it fascinates you.

Day 37: Describe a winter adventure or activity you've always wanted to try.

Day 38: Reflect on the thrill or calmness of being outdoors in winter's embrace.

Day 39: Write about a winter landscape that inspires you and why.

Day 40: Discuss how winter encourages you to explore new hobbies or activities.

Week 9: Winter Serenity and Tranquility

Day 41: Share your favorite winter sounds and how they bring you peace.

Day 42: Reflect on the role of solitude in finding inner peace during the winter season.

Day 43: Write about the tranquility of watching snowfall or a quiet winter night.

Day 44: Discuss the mental clarity and calmness you find in winter's simplicity.

Day 45: Explore the connection between winter and finding balance in your life.

Week 10: Winter Mindset and Resilience

Day 46: Reflect on how the winter season teaches you resilience and adaptability.

Day 47: Discuss how winter challenges shape your mindset and problem-solving skills.

Day 48: Write about a time when winter adversity led to personal growth or learning.

Day 49: Share strategies for maintaining a positive mindset during the darker, colder days.

Day 50: Explore the concept of renewal and rebirth during the winter season.

Week 11: Winter Nostalgia and Memories

Day 51: Reflect on the nostalgia evoked by familiar winter scents or flavors.

Day 52: Write about a childhood winter memory that still warms your heart.

Day 53: Share your favorite winter traditions passed down through generations.

Day 54: Discuss how revisiting old hobbies or activities brings winter nostalgia.

Day 55: Explore the connection between winter and cherished memories.

Week 12: Winter Reflection and Closing Thoughts

Day 56: Reflect on the ways winter has inspired your creativity and imagination.

Day 57: Share your thoughts on the anticipation and excitement of the changing seasons.

Day 58: Write about the emotions stirred by the end of the winter season.

Day 59: Reflect on the cyclical nature of life, mirrored in the changing seasons.

Day 60: Summarize your overall winter experience and the lessons you'll carry forward.



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