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Image by Vadim Sadovski

Donations & Support

 Your contributions help us maintain and grow our sacred space and support our mission of spreading knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual empowerment. Thank you for considering supporting our cause. Here are the ways you can contribute:

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Our Unicorn Fund

Our Rebel Rose "Unicorn Fund" aims to empower aspiring mystics and cultivate future leaders in the mystical arts. As we grow, we will provide small grants and scholarships to academy and seminary students to assist them in their spiritual practice.

1. One-time Donation:

You can make a one-time donation to the Temple of Sacred Rebel Rose. Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a difference. Visit our secure online donation portal to make your donation today.

2. Monthly Membership:

Join our Monthly Membership program to provide ongoing support to the Temple. By becoming a member, you actively participate in sustaining our sacred community and receive exclusive benefits such as access to member-only events and workshops. Sign up on our website to become a monthly member.

3. Sponsorship Opportunities:

If you or your organization would like to make a significant impact, consider becoming a sponsor. Sponsors receive prominent recognition on our website, promotional materials, and during Temple events. Contact us directly to discuss sponsorship opportunities.

4. In-Kind Contributions:

We also welcome in-kind contributions to the Temple. If you have a skill, service, or resource that you believe would benefit our community, please reach out to us. We appreciate your support in any form.

5. Volunteer:

If you're passionate about our mission, consider volunteering your time and skills. We have various volunteer opportunities available, including event assistance, administrative support, and outreach activities. Contact us to learn more about volunteering at the Temple.

6. Spread the Word:

Help us reach a wider audience by sharing our website and mission on social media platforms. Invite friends, family, and like-minded individuals to join our community and support our cause. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change.

Image by Nikita Tikhomirov

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